I agree. The evidence of design is all around us.
For all you doubters out there, please review the compelling evidence of God's cool designs.
The Oracle
casting aside what little you learned about god and christ- are you thrilled with the future of mankind?.
I agree. The evidence of design is all around us.
For all you doubters out there, please review the compelling evidence of God's cool designs.
The Oracle
as i see it, there are three looming threats that all have the potential - individually or combined - to bring the wbts to its knees, at least in the united states, anyway.. 1. youth retention.
the young people aren't buying it.
the watchtower will argue that faithless young people are giving in to demonic persuasion and leaving the truth.
they did.... for awhile. But that trend has come to a screeching halt in Japan. They have woke up, and now smell the green tea.
I honestly believe that very minimal growth will remain an accurate outlook for China and the rest of most of Asia.
The western cultures have indeed slowed their rapid growth and are in fact barely keeping pace with population growth despite the monumental efforts to secure new membership. Anywhere there is convenient access to the INTERNET and where education is allowed to be administered with minimal censorship will ensure ongoing enlightenment and will erode the number of religious adherents in general, but particularly hard hit will be the more fanatical religious groups like the JWs.
The Oracle
okay, this is a subjective choice of scriptures but i'm throwing them out here for discussion.
what do these texts tell us about jesus?
remember, this is jesus in his own words!.
I am genuinely sorry to hear that.
It has happened to many here.
Not cool.
I hope you are finding other things to bring you comfort.
The Oracle
along with one of those cream cheese danishes, and a lemon-lime shasta.. know what i mean?.
The vanilla was so good. Thanks to Blondie for sourcing it.
If anyone who organizes an ex-jw meet up or party wants to make it the event of the century be sure to order a healthy supply of the pudding and serve it with those wonderful wooden spoony things. You could even make a fruit bag for your guests. Then all you need to do is start serving some booze and just watch the party take off! Or you could go straight to the booze. Either way - everyone has fun.
The Oracle
as i see it, there are three looming threats that all have the potential - individually or combined - to bring the wbts to its knees, at least in the united states, anyway.. 1. youth retention.
the young people aren't buying it.
the watchtower will argue that faithless young people are giving in to demonic persuasion and leaving the truth.
yup booby. those are the kind that are going to stay in, and soon - that will be all that's left.
All the surface thinkers who refuse to look behind the curtain and see the wizard doing his thing.
The rest who dare to look, or who are intellectually curious enough to look, will bolt - like most of us here already have, or in the process of doing so.
The Oracle
i was watching "friday" this weekend and had forgotten about the part in the beginning when the 2 jw ladies woke him up.
it was hilarious.
even my wife laughed and said, "that's how you preach in the hood!".
Who was the tallest man in the bible?
Jebediah. He ties his ass to a tree, and walked in to Jerusalem.
casting aside what little you learned about god and christ- are you thrilled with the future of mankind?.
lol !
as i see it, there are three looming threats that all have the potential - individually or combined - to bring the wbts to its knees, at least in the united states, anyway.. 1. youth retention.
the young people aren't buying it.
the watchtower will argue that faithless young people are giving in to demonic persuasion and leaving the truth.
I can assure you that there will not be a surge in members from China. LoL.
If you have been to China and talked to enough people from there you quickly realize that there culture is light years away from the JW type religious thinking and the entire concept of Christianity.
Africa yes - there is still a chance of some growth there. South America - yes there is still some room for growth. Asia - forget it. Not happening.
The Oracle
casting aside what little you learned about god and christ- are you thrilled with the future of mankind?.
Hey MadJW,
I AM loading up on stocks, but Chinese is too tough for me to learn... despite the fact that the jolly old "fellow" you refer to...good ole Mr. (or should we say Mrs.?) Natural Selection "made" our brains sooooo smart.
As for your eye question. Answer: Hell ya!
In fact our human eye is not that good compared to many other eyes in the animal kingdom, not to mention most cameras. If we were made in god's image - does that mean god's eyes aren't very good? Our focus and the distance we can see is quite limited. Good thing "Mr. Natural Selection" made our brains smart enough that we could cope with the handicap of poor eyesight. lol
sorry, but I'm in a frisky mood again.
The Oracle
i have a confession.
i am using reverse shunning.. i have ignored the elders calls.
i do not want to hang out with witnesses anymore (besides my family and one friend).
no worries lil.lady03,
another big thing is getting to the point where you realize that your conduct (staying away) should not be categorized as worthy of "telling on". The truth of the matter is - you are doing nothing wrong. In fact - you are doing the RIGHT THING. By staying away. You are doing the COURAGEOUS and NOBLE thing by staying away.
It would be easy to give in and go back to attend, to keep them happy and keep them "off your case". But that would be an ignoble, and dishonorable course.
As you say - it is better to be honest. You have come to realize that the JW religion is not the truth and you can probably see the damage that it causes in families with its policies. You probably have seen the depression it causes in members. It's not just another religion that is "innocent".
You are doing the right thing by staying away! Good luck to you with everything. It gets better and better as time goes on and although you may miss some individuals you will never regret your choice.
There will be lots of support from new places and people that you have not even experienced yet. The world is a big place with a lot of loving, caring and intelligent people.
The Oracle